Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Years Come and Gone. January 9-15, 2011

The holidays went by without much fanfare. Christmas came and went as well as New Years and got into Christmas spirit on Christmas Eve. I had arrived from Hawaii four days earlier and didn’t spend any time on Christmas shopping except a one quick sweep through the Navy Exchange in Marysville and that was that! It was cash for the kids, iPod for the wife and money to the grandson’s college account. I figured “G” would not be using any toys he accumulated from childhood when he is 18, finished high school and ready to enter the world of higher education.

The annual New Years phone calls to Japan took place and in this household New Years is just a celebratory as Christmas and foods consisted of Osechi Ryori and Sushi. Photos of the food platters were published on Facebook and in this household, sushi platters are served at Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.

The “Battle for Newport” has ended. Though the odds of having the decision overturned was astronomical, those who put up resistance should pat themselves on the back for having fought instead of rolling over and play dead. What came out of it remains to be seen and the jury will be out for some time. As with any organization that goes through sweeping changes it is going to take time for adjustment and things return to normal. The quicker the better and now is the time to move forward. In retrospect I hope that both sides from this conflict learned lessons. To the victors, tone down the gloating and realize that you are talking about people and their lives. Not mere economic units in a dehumanizing fashion that can lead to animosity towards the victors. And to those who lost the battle, there is no dishonor in defeat and look for a silver lining that can lead to rejuvenation from the ashes of defeat.

It seems we are entering bleak times to be a civil servant. I am amazed at all the anti-federal/public employee rhetoric I read in the press and sources of those are from congressional representatives and of course amplified by Fox News. I’ve been through recessions before while working for the government and never thought of sneering at those who were not my cohorts or to those that were less fortunate victims of adverse economic circumstances. The impression disseminated by those in Congress is we look down on others with a Marie Antoinette attitude of letting them eat cake.  I thought one of the tasks of congress was to “promote” general welfare and encourage those who work hard is rewarded for their tasks. Wasn’t it Thomas Jefferson who wrote about “Pursuit of Happiness?” Yet those who revere him seem to pick and choose what caters to their needs. However, in this age of Orwellian newspeak, rather than enjoying the fruits of our labor it seems we have a group of politicians who are hell bent on spreading the misery while having no solutions to make things better. I am an avid reader of history. If I were not doing this, I would have pursued a degree in history and likely be teaching and writing.

I have worked many years in the private sector from jobs as government contractor to entrepreneur.  I’ve been laid off, resigned or gone through the annoyance of searching the Sunday classified ads for another job. As early as ten years ago I had to go through the pain of liquidating my own business. As I got older it became harder to find a good paying job in the private sector as I was “too qualified” for the position I applied. Of course “too qualified” means I want too much money for my experience or my age was a factor but the prospective employer wanted to avoid an impression of age discrimination.

We had employees in the past walk away from the salaries they make and take huge pay cuts to spend more time at home. I am compensated well for what I do but there are always factors that are involved that may not be appealing to everyone. I spend anywhere from fifty to sixty percent of my time away from home. I’ve missed concerts, games, and birthdays. Bits and pieces taken for granted in a nine to five world that you are unaware of until you miss it. The old adage that there is no such thing as a free lunch applies here as well.

Happy New Years and may it be good to you!

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